
Washington D.C. Memorial/Monument Poster

The planners of the National Capital, which would eventually be named as a tribute to George Washington, never dreamed how many memorials and monuments would be built there over the next 200 years.  Read about the monuments and memorials of Washington D.C. and then pick one to make a poster about.  You may use Microsoft Word, Photoshop (8th grade only), or Glogster to create your poster.  

Content of your poster must include:

  • Name of your memorial/monument
  • date(s) built
  • why it was built
  • what its importance is
  • where it is located
  • how it was built/designed/constructed
  • who is it honoring
  • any other important or interesting facts about it
Design elements of your poster must include:
  • Thematic title
  • at least 3 relevant graphics with caption
  • specific yet simple writing
  • text boxes
  • cohesive and readable fonts
  • appropriate color scheme
  • a balance of creativity and readability 

Posters will be due Next Friday.  You can print them in color in my room or in the computer lab.  You can also save them as a PDF and post it to your blog.


7 & 8 Grade Overview 2012 & 2013

7 & 8 Grade Overview 2012-2013

Emphasis is on real world problem solving, meeting student’s math level needs, high school math class placement, and high school exit exam preparedness.

    2 math groups: algebra & pre-algebra
    daily review warm-ups, direct instruction, group problem solving, and homework practice.
    cumulative exams & concept quizzes.

Language Arts
Focus is on writing clear, organized, and well developed stories and essays with supportive details and clearly documented evidence. We will also examine a variety of written genres including: historical fiction, personal narratives, fables, Shakespeare, poetry, and response to literature.

    writer’s workshops once a week
    literature circles & online discussion forums
    collaborative writing and revision using Google Documents
    publishing to online blogs
    weekly proofreading/grammar/vocabulary/spelling mini-lessons
    independent reading journals
    end of the year poetry slam

Current Assignment: “Fables & Parables” (creative writing inspired by The Alchemist, A Dark and Grimm Tale, and the Six Pillars of Character)
Coming Up: “Personal Narratives” (critical reading & response, Warriors Don’t Cry, writing about autobiographical incidents, and digital storytelling)
Looking Ahead: “Responding to Historical Fiction” literature circles based around novels set in the 19th century.

Emphasis is on scientific investigations, interpreting and displaying data and applying simple mathematical relationships to motion and forces.  Content will also cover the solar system and the life of stars.

    lab investigations
    teacher demonstrations
    chapter reading & outlines

Current Assignment:  “Distance, Time, and Speed” ( energy track experiments, pipe insulation roller coasters, & unit conversion problems)
Coming Up: “Momentum, Inertia, & Friction” (egg parachutes)
Looking Ahead: “Forces and Motion” (students create experiments to prove Newton's Laws)

Social Studies
Geography includes: map skills, orientation, topography, and regional/cultural knowledge.
U. S. History content covers the Federal Period through Reconstruction and the turn of the 19th century.

    analyzing primary source documents
    reading responses & outlining
    historical research projects & presentations
    role playing
    field trips

Current Assignment: "Understanding the Challenges of a New Nation”
Coming Up: “Lewis and Clark Interpretive Signs”
Looking Ahead: "19th Century History Detectives” (historical research and digital story documentaries)

Focus on skills in competitive sports, rules and regulations, fitness, coordination, and team building.

    stretching & strengthening
    rules and procedures
    positive and safe play
    non-competitive skill games and team building activities
Current Unit: Cooperative Games
Coming Up: Flag Football
Looking Ahead: Golf, Floor hockey, Nike training


      “Garden to Table”  with Ms. Leuck
      African drumming and percussion with Laramie Paxton
      Spanish I with Mrs. Strasser
      Spanish II with Mr. Vack

Health & Wellness
       School counselor, April Klingonsmith, will facilitate bi-monthly activities on:  bullying, drug prevention, body image, dealing with stress/anger
       Career counselor, Susi Huschle, will teach about higher education opportunities and career exploration a couple times throughout the year. 
       Reproductive Health Week:  Taught by Planned Parenthood educators in late April.

Class Trips
    Family Theater Night Out:  The Tempest (end of March at North Coast Rep)
    local History Fieldtrip to Potawat Health Village, Blue Ox Mills, and Fort Humboldt:  April or May
    7th graders visit CR/ 8th graders visit HSU in spring
    8th Grade Ski Trip:  early April
      7th Grade Aquatics Camp: First Week in June