
Digital Life Presentation Using PowToon

Make a Powtoon presentation that showcases your digital life

Go to

type in code:  Ntc1

You will need to sign up with a free account.
  • compelling/creative title
  • at least 8 slides
  • use an assortment of animations and transitions
  • keep a consistent theme and color scheme

  • include photos, screenshots from your life or technology you use.  

  • should answer the following questions

  • what technology do you use?
  • what do you use technology for?
  • how often are you in front of a screen?
  • how do you think technology affects your social life?
  • in what ways is technology a detriment to your life?
  • in what ways is technology a benefit to your life?
  • how do you envision using technology in the future?
  • ??????? 


Cosmos Infographic

  1. As you watch Cosmos pt 3:  When Knowledge Conquered Fear, make a rough draft info graphic by writing down any words, concepts, names, ideas, or images that strike you.  
  2. After we discuss and digest main concepts in the video, make an artistic info graphic that expresses what you learned.  
  3. You may make the info graphic as a collage using markers, colored pencils, crayons, magazine images, printed images, etc,  
  4. Or you may use an app/software such as PicCollage, Google Draw, or anything else that you can arrange images and text to make an info graphic.   You must be able to save your one page info graphic as a .pdf or .jpg so you can share it with me.  (more on this tomorrow in tech skills)
  5. Info graphics will be due Friday.  


Researching Topics for your Persuasive Essay

1.   Open these two google docs I shared with you  called "Persuasive Essay Topics" and "Persuasive Essay Resources and Research Guide".  Save the "Resource and Research Guide" as a copy and put your name in the title.

2.  Using the resource links, research a couple of the topics you are interested in.  If you are not sure on a topic yet, peruse the Upfront magazines,, The N.Y. Times Learning Network article archive, and the Article of the Week archive.

3.  As you read websites and articles be sure to copy or paraphrase in your research guide any important facts or quotes you come across.  Write the website/magazine/newspaper name,  headline, author,  and date if available.  Be sure to put the evidence into either the "pro" or "con"  section.  Also identify the experts in the articles, so you can refer to them later in your essay.

4.  You will definitely need at least 3 credible sources for your essay, so keep researching until you find quality articles.   Once you have your topic picked and have filled out the research guide.  Add your name and position statement to the class topic list.  (see my listing as an example)


Editing and Revising your Product Comparison Review

  1. Complete your product comparison review rough draft and give it the title "Your Name:  Title:  Rough Draft."  This needs to be complete by Tuesday morning so we can start revising in the lab.  If you don't have computer access at home please work at homework club.  Make sure you are explaining, comparing, and using specific examples from your criteria table.  Use at least five coordinating/subordinating conjunctions and bold them.
  2. Looking at the Read ReAD and RoC revision chart for ideas, read your review once more and look for ways to improve.  Now read and proofread your own at least 3 other student's reviews.  Don't correct mistakes for them, but you can underline spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.  When necessary, add ReAD and RoC comments.  
  3. Read those comments and revise!  Copy two rubrics to the end of your review and use one to assess yourself, leave the other one for me.  Go back and make any more improvements.  Once you feel your final draft is complete.  Change your title to "You Name:  Title:  Final Draft" and change your sharing settings with me so I can edit.  Final Drafts are Due Friday.


50 Greatest Technological Innovations Project pt 2

  1. Once your scripts are made, start adding high resolution images to your photo story.  
  2. Make a title page using Photoshop
  3. Now you can add your narration.  If your computer's audio is not working ask me to use a laptop.  
  4. Add some background music and/or audio effects.  You can download free sound effects at


50 Greatest Technological Innovations Project pt. 1

  1. Read The Atlantic's list of the 50 greatest inventions.
  2. Choose three to research further.
  3. Start researching your inventions.
  4. Narrow your decision down to the one you would like to investigate further

News Quiz

Take the N.Y. Times Weekly News Quiz and test your knowledge of current events.


Digital Drama and The Uniqueness of You: Word Clouds

  1. After you have finished your digital drama worksheet and turned it in to the "Reality of Digital Drama" folder.  
  2. Make a word cloud of your ideas.  Remember the more times you use a word the larger it will appear in your word cloud.  
  3. Save your word cloud as a jpg and post it to your blog.
  4. Make a second, more in depth word cloud about yourself.  Use unique words to describe who you are.  
  5. Save as a jpg and post to your blog too.  
Wordle: Vack