
Safe Online Talk Question 1

Which story do you feel most connected to? Why?


  1. I think I can relate to the gamer the most because when I'm Jahria's he always talking to his friends on the xbox. Most friends he hasn't even met.

  2. I feel most connected to the Facebooker, because I use Facebook a lot, and I have gotten to know people much better by talking to them through Facebook chat

  3. I felt most connected to the one using facebook because I haven't played an online game in years and I don't often text or use skype. I have before, but I use facebook much more often.

  4. The Facebooker . Because I'm on facebook a lot and I talk to a lot of people . Even if I haven't met them in person or if I maybe have seen them or hung out but there just kind of "in the crowd" So I guess that is how I talk to people and get to know people .

  5. Probably the Facebook story because I've had a couple of situations where people I have never met friend me. Sometimes you are mutual friends with them and you just don't feel comfortable excepting their request.

  6. I feel ,most connected to the guys story of what happened on Facebook. I feel like this because one time this guy kept asking me my age and what school I went too. And whenever I tried to change the subject he kept asking why I was changing the subject.

  7. I feel most connected to the Gamer's story and the facebooker. I don't feel connected to the texter because I do not have a cell phone that works outside of my house WiFi. And I only text a few people. I play online games that normally include chat even though I mostly don't participate in the chat. And I'm always on Facebook.

  8. I feel most connected to the gamer because, i play games also i don't really know what he is talking about playing with ppl from the UK because you normally don't connect to them. Also you can just mute the person who is trash talking, but i don't really do that i just do it back

  9. I probably feel more connected to the face book guy because sometimes I'll be notified about something that I didn't sign up for or some random webpage will be sending me stuff.

  10. The Facebooker guy because I don't really give my number out to people I've never met, I don't have a skype and I don't play video games. I use my facebook a lot and I get lots of friend requests from people i don't know at all or don't even people have any mutual friends with.

  11. I can relate to Renees story the most. Once i was on Facebook and a man from Iraq started chatting with me and he started asking me about my personal information. then he asked me if i wanted to Skype, but i said no and deleted him.

  12. I probably feel more connected to the face book guy because sometimes I get notified about things I didn't sign up for or websites will send me random things.

  13. I feel most connected to the X box guy because I play X box live just as he does. And like him, whenever I meet someone on the mic from a different country I ask them what it's like there.

  14. I would have to say the textr because sometimes a strange says "i know where you live." the I reply something like I think its my friend so i say hey knock it off to them the the will say that they are not that friend.

  15. The story I feel most connected to is the person playing the X-Box because I know what it feels like to get a friend request from someone especially when you just did something good like play a good game then you get like 2 friends requests from someone you don't even know where they are or how old they are. It's creepy.

  16. I can relate to the txtr because sometimes strangers txt me weird things.

  17. I feel that im most connected to the facebook person. Im always getting random friend requests from people i dont know, and talking to people that i have no clue who they actually are :D

  18. I feel most connected to the Xbox dude because I like to ask people what its like in other places like he does.

  19. i can relate to the txtr because sometimes strangers txt me weird things.

  20. I can relate to the gamer because i also play Xbox and meet a lot of people and talk to friends that i know and some friends i don't know but i never reveal my personal stuff

  21. I feel like i relate to the person playing Xbox because I played Xbox

  22. I probably feel more connected to the face book guy because sometimes I get notified about things I didn't sign up for or websites will send me random things.

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  24. I feel most connected to the facebook story. I go on facebook often and I get a lot of friend requests from people I don't know.

  25. I felt most connected to the girl with skype, she had some randome person friend her and she accepted, I have had people friend me, but I have learned to decline them

  26. I was the most comfortable with the girl who had the Skype because I have a Skype myself and even though that has not happened to me that could happen to me and that seems creepy.....

  27. i feel like the gamer and Facebook guy cause ever one on Xbox talk bad and on Facebook i always get random friend requests and it some times is creepy cause its like someone from Asia or Russia

  28. txter because very weird things happen to my phone once my own phone txted me when i txted back it went strait to my phone
    and someone keeps asking for bob

  29. well i feel like i was most connected to to the texter girl because ive been texted by random people.

  30. i don't use media much so i will go with the texting girl

  31. i can relate to the gamer tag guy because when im with callie we go on xbox and ask people about there country

  32. I can relate to the gamer guy, because when Im online Im always asking questions about how it is over where they live and stuff.

  33. I don't really relate to any, but it would probably be the Facebook story because I have a Facebook and sometimes I'm notified about products I didn't want to get messages about.

  34. i feel most connected to the facebook guy and the texter girl because i get friend requests from people i dont know and usually dont accept them and i also get texts from people

  35. i guess i relate mostly to the texter girl because i dont go on facebook that often and im not a gamer... :P :)

  36. i guess i relate mostly to the texter girl because i dont go on facebook that often and im not a gamer... :P :)

  37. I would relate to the facebook story because i have a facebook and when im on it i am always getting notifications from people i dont know and random people will send me a message or fro a notification i will get advertisments that i really just dont care about but they usually turn out to be spams but ya :)

  38. when i am on playstation3 people talk a lot of smack but they cant back it up

  39. i relate to the gamer because i play video games too
